Paper Writing

How to Write an Argumentative Essay: A Concise Guide

Prof. Wesley Spencer
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Jun 2, 2023
How to Write an Argumentative Essay: A Concise Guide
How to Write an Argumentative Essay: 10 Best Tips

What is an Argumentative Essay: Purpose and Importance

How to Write an Argumentative Essay with 10 Tips

30 Argumentative Essay Topics

To Wrap Up

If you are a student, you know that writing an argumentative essay is one of the essential skills you need to master. However, it can seem daunting if you are new to this type of academic writing. Don't worry; our coursework writing service got you covered! Our comprehensive article provides you with ten invaluable tips and a variety of good argumentative essay topics, guiding you through the process of crafting a compelling piece.

What is an Argumentative Essay: Purpose and Importance

Before we delve into the essential tips on how to write an argumentative essay, let's first provide a brief explanation of the argumentative essay definition and why it's crucial. An argumentative essay is a type of academic essay where you need to present a thesis statement, provide evidence to support it and prove your stance. The aim of the argumentative essay is to convince your readers of your viewpoint and persuade them to see things from your perspective.

Writing an argumentative essay is an essential skill that every student must possess. It is a crucial aspect of academic writing that helps you develop your critical thinking abilities and analytical skills. It allows you to present your ideas and thoughts in a logical and structured manner, which is essential in academic writing.

An argumentative essay is also an excellent way to express your opinions and beliefs on a particular topic. It allows you to explore different viewpoints and perspectives, which can help you develop a better understanding of the topic. It is an opportunity to present your arguments and evidence in a clear and concise manner, which can help you persuade your readers of your viewpoint.

Moreover, writing an argumentative essay is an excellent way to prepare for real-life situations. It helps you develop your persuasive skills, which can be useful in various aspects of your life, such as in the workplace, personal relationships, and social interactions.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay with 10 Tips

Writing an argumentative essay is not always easy, but with the right approach and proper argumentative essay format, college students can excel in this form of academic writing. In the following paragraphs, our argumentative essay writing service will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you navigate the writing process with confidence and finesse.


Analyze the Essay Prompt

Before starting to write, you need to understand the argumentative essay prompts. Analyzing the prompt will help you know what the essay requires and what you need to do to address it. Look for keywords such as 'argue,' 'debate,' 'analyze,' 'discuss,' and others. These keywords will guide you on the type of argument you need to construct.

For instance, if the prompt asks you to 'analyze the impact of social media on mental health,' you need to provide a critical evaluation of the effects of social media on mental health. You may need to examine the positive and negative impacts of social media on mental health and provide evidence to support your argument.

Gather Relevant and Credible Sources

The credibility of your sources can make or break your argument. Do thorough research by collecting sources relevant to your argument. Look for credible academic sources such as journals, articles, and books.

You can also use reputable websites such as government websites, academic databases, and news outlets. However, be wary of biased sources that may not present a balanced view of the topic.

Craft a Concise and Focused Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the backbone of your entire argumentative essay. It is a sentence that summarizes your main point and presents your argument clearly. Ensure that your statement is concise, focused, and debatable.

For instance, if your argument is that 'social media has a negative impact on mental health,' your thesis statement could be:

'Despite its benefits, social media has a detrimental effect on mental health due to its addictive nature, cyberbullying, and unrealistic social comparisons.'

Organize Your Argumentative Essay Structure

One of the most critical aspects of writing an argumentative essay is the structure. Your essay must be well-organized, and each paragraph should relate to the thesis statement. Just like a narrative essay outline, a typical argumentative essay structure comprises:

  1. Introduction, providing background information and introducing the thesis statement
  2. Body paragraphs, presenting your argument and providing evidence to support it
  3. Conclusion, summarizing your main points and restating your thesis statement

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Write an Effective Argumentative Essay Introduction

The introductory paragraph is the first impression that your readers get from your essay. Thus, it needs to be engaging, informative, and concise. You need to provide background information and introduce the thesis statement in the first paragraph.

You can start your argumentative essay introduction with a hook that captures the reader's attention, such as a startling statistic or a thought-provoking question. Then, provide some context to the topic and introduce your persuasive argument and thesis statement.

Develop Strong Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are where you present your argument and provide evidence to back up your points. Ensure that each body paragraph has a clear topic sentence, evidence, and commentary that links back to the thesis statement.

You can use supporting evidence such as statistics, expert opinions, and case studies to support your argument. Be sure to use credible sources and cite them properly.

Identify Opposing Viewpoints

It's crucial to acknowledge an opposing point as they make your argument stronger. Do your research and identify potential objections to your argument. Be sure to address these objections and show why your argument is stronger.

For instance, if one's argument claims that social media has a positive impact on mental health, you can acknowledge their viewpoint and provide evidence to support your argument. You can also show how their argument is flawed and why your argument is more valid.

Craft a Powerful Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part of your argumentative essay outline, and it should leave a lasting impression on your readers. Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. End with a final thought that leaves your readers thinking.

You can also provide some recommendations or a call to action related to your argument. For instance, if your argument is that social media companies should regulate their platforms to reduce the negative impact on mental health, you can call on the government to enact legislation to enforce such regulations.

Proofread for Grammar and Spelling Errors

Proofreading is essential to identify and correct grammar and spelling errors in your argumentative essay. Through this process, you ensure:

  • your ideas are effectively communicated and understood by the reader
  • eliminating typos, punctuation mistakes, and grammatical inconsistencies
  • enhancing its overall clarity, credibility, and professionalism

Therefore, dedicating time to proofreading your argumentative essay ensures a polished and error-free final product.

Seek Feedback from Peers or Instructors

Lastly, by sharing your work with others, you gain valuable perspectives and insights that can help you refine and strengthen your arguments. Peers can offer fresh viewpoints or even different argumentative essay ideas, identify areas of confusion, and suggest improvements, while instructors, with their expertise and experience, can provide constructive criticism and guidance to enhance the overall quality of your entire essay.

30 Argumentative Essay Topics

Now get ready to explore the following argumentative essay topics that are chosen to challenge your critical thinking skills and spark interesting conversations. Choose the perfect subject for your essay and dive into a world of fascinating arguments and persuasive reasoning.

Meanwhile, you can always use our platform to order essay online and get a flawless paper worthy of A+!

  1. The impact of self-driving cars on the future of transportation.
  2. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal healthcare system.
  3. The role of virtual reality in revolutionizing education.
  4. The ethics of human gene editing and its implications for future generations.
  5. The influence of video games on cognitive skills and social behavior.
  6. The effectiveness of alternative energy sources in combating climate change.
  7. The impact of automation on the future of employment and job security.
  8. The ethical considerations of using animals in scientific research.
  9. The importance of arts education in fostering creativity and critical thinking.
  10. The impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  11. The benefits and risks of using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
  12. The Role of government surveillance in balancing national security and privacy rights.
  13. The impact of artificial intelligence on job displacement and the workforce.
  14. The ethics of using animals for entertainment purposes in zoos and circuses.
  15. The effectiveness of rehabilitation versus incarceration for non-violent offenders.
  16. The role of technology in bridging the digital divide and promoting equal access to education.
  17. The influence of advertising on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
  18. The pros and cons of implementing a carbon tax to combat climate change.
  19. The impact of social media activism in promoting social and political change.
  20. The ethics of gene patenting and its impact on scientific innovation.
  21. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income.
  22. The role of artificial intelligence in improving healthcare and medical diagnosis.
  23. The impact of globalization on cultural diversity and local economies.
  24. The ethics of genetic cloning and its implications for human identity and rights.
  25. The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing gun violence.
  26. The impact of media censorship on freedom of expression and democracy.
  27. The benefits and risks of using renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.
  28. The role of government regulation in the food industry is to combat obesity and promote healthy eating.
  29. The ethics of animal testing for medical and cosmetic purposes.
  30. The impact of automation on income inequality and wealth distribution.

To Wrap Up

Now that you know what is an argumentative essay and are armed with the essential tips and strategies shared in this article, you can tackle any topic, engage readers, and defend your viewpoint with confidence. Meanwhile, don't forget that you can always use our professional assistance for your argumentative essay writing.

With skilled writers who specialize in argumentative essays, you can expect a well-structured, thoroughly researched, and persuasive piece that meets your requirements. Order argumentative essay examples by asking us - ‘write paper for me’ and focus on other important tasks while securing a top-notch paper that showcases your critical thinking and analytical skills!