Nowadays, scientific research seems to be much easier than ever, thanks to search engines. Indeed, it makes sense that every student feels more powerful and organized with the help of the Internet. Today, they can always enter 'write my paper' in the search box. Yet, along with a huge amount of answers to all possible questions, the Internet entails many extra problems.
How to search for appropriate resources? Which website to believe? How can you check the integrity of information? In this article, we've tried to address the issue of information overload. Here, we discuss remaining calm even when drowning in the endless ocean of information. You will discover where to look for reliable sources and how to use them.
Searching for Appropriate European Science Journals for Conducting Scientific Research
When writing a scientific paper, you can not use the first Internet site you come across or an article from a magazine. Therefore, selecting all the necessary materials is one of the most important stages in the research process. If you aim to make the right choice of scientific publications, follow these recommendations.
- Consider in detail the subject and object of the study.
- Identify the purpose of your work.
- Compose a list of topics for your research.
- Learn to separate scientific publications from non-scientific ones.
- Be critical to the Internet resources.
- Use only up-to-date sources and pay attention to the year of publication.
Make Your Scientific Paper Valid: Dealing With References
Many students leave the reference composition until the very last moment. This situation happens because they tend to consider it the least important task. Even so, the list of references is one of the most significant indicators of the quality of a scientific paper. It is indeed what makes your work valuable. But if this causes you difficulties, you can always use the service 'write my paper for me' to focus on what worries you at the moment.
The first step in the process of reference organization is selecting the most weighty sources. You will be unable to list all the materials you've managed to read while working on the issue. It is recommendable to filter the information. So, try to focus on the most authoritative publications.
When citing, try to choose references that add value to your article. Do not just copy the first quote you like and incorporate it into your paper. There must be a reason for providing a reference, for instance, an extensive supporting analysis or detailed statistical information.
One of the most controversial issues is using tertiary sources such as Wikipedia. It is important to be careful with the materials found there. Cite them only if there is null information about the peer-reviewed source.
Each research paper reference should have a number to facilitate later citation. Apart from that, the list forms according to a strict hierarchy. The rules of procedure may vary depending on the educational institution's requirements.
A European scientific institute may limit the number of sources referred to in a research paper. Thus, it is crucial to study the journal's instructions as to the format and structure of the reference list.
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Journal Articles That Undergo Peer Review: Which Sources Are Authoritative?
The most common sources for literature review in any scientific work are legislative materials, official documents, and statistical sources like many journals with relevant information. You can also use sources of personal origin (memoirs, diaries, correspondence) and archival papers to find supplementary material. They all fall into published and unpublished materials.
Published documents are available for wide distribution. This fact means they have been revised and published in large numbers. However, a narrower circle of users can read unpublished new papers. These have not undergone editorial processing and exist in a limited or single copy.
When searching for material that has undergone peer review, stick to the following recommendations.
- Use large databases, such as PsycINFO or Google Scholar. They include reliable publications. Though, note that Google Scholar publishes both peer-reviewed and not peer-reviewed materials. Besides Google Scholar and PsycINFO, another popular database is Scopus, which contains detailed information on all scientific papers. ScienceDirect also includes all existing literature, but for free.
- If search engine results fail your expectations, use data repositories for more detail. Experts strongly recommend data sets like, Data Files, and DataCite for supporting information.
- Be critical of everything you come across, whether it be the first website shown by the search engine or an authoritative resource. Even those materials that have undergone a thorough review process of editorial verification must undergo a fresh checkup.
Of course, it is better to use books and encyclopedias, the quality of which is confirmed. Yet, we convince readers that not all Internet sources are bad. Moreover, studying only articles from textbooks cannot cover some topics.
So, there appears to be necessary to refer to the World Wide Web. For instance, you can rely on the following resources:
- news agency materials
- materials from reputable media own research
- experimental results posted on the official websites of companies
- conference papers published online
- technical reports with important findings
When using a search engine to get the necessary information, do not forget to turn on your internal filter at a particular point. It would be best if you did not believe any data posted on blogs and forums unless you find confirmation of its integrity. Moreover, never use articles without confirmed expert authorship. Scientific information posted without specifying the primary sources, discussion section, or methods section is unreliable.
Have a Look at the List of Reliable European Scientific Journals
To make your research comprehensive and ensure there is no "fluff" in the whole article, refer to the professional opinions of other research groups. You can find these in most journals. They are either multidisciplinary or focus on published research on specialized topics.
The European Journal of Scientific Research is among the most popular multidisciplinary publications. To prove the reliability of the mentioned sources, we refer to the Global Impact Factor report. It states that in 2022, the European Scientific Journal impact factor reached an overall figure of 0,6.
Top science journals differ by subject to ease the search process on journal websites. So, here is a brief list of some of the long-existing and new papers.
- Computer Science Journals:
- Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
- TEM Journal
- European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
- Physics Journals:
- Journal of Physics & Astronomy
- Central European Journal of Physics impact factor – 0,963 according to the Journal Citation Reports)
- IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
- Social and Political Sciences Journals:
- Global Media Journal
- Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences
- London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
- Medical Sciences Journals:
- International Journal of Medical Sciences
- Transnational Biomedicine
- Journal of Regenerative Medicine
- Journal of Preventive Medicine
- Chemistry Journals:
- International Journal of Chemical Sciences
- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
- Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry
- Food & Nutritional Journals:
- Ecology of Food and Nutrition
- Journal of Experimental Food Chemistry
- Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders
- Neuroscience & Psychology Journals:
- Journal of Traumatic Stress
- Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience
- Journal of Psychiatry
- Business & Management Journals:
- Journal of Finance
- Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
- Journal of Defense Studies and Resource Management
- Environmental Sciences Journals:
- Journal of Environmental Biology
- Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation
- Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change
Every academic paper should be unique and decent. To make your work outstanding, you will need creativity combined with scrupulousness and literacy. But when it comes to conducting scientific research, having a rich imagination is enough for writing. In addition, it is necessary to compile a list of materials for further reference. Thus, students often feel confused by a huge variety of sources they need to go through. And here the question begins to haunt them: 'how can I write my papers quickly'?
Reading books and encyclopedias is good, but remember the freshness of information. Internet sources are acceptable, but avoid dealing with unconfirmed facts, unknown authors, or unprofessional journal editors. The best strategy is to refer to peer-reviewed scientific journals. They always contain up-to-date and verified data, according to journal guidelines.
Writing a reference list can turn out to be another challenge. Numbers, pages, quotes – it's easy to get confused. But, again, following professional advice will be helpful in this super complicated task. Stick to the established rules, and you will manage to do everything properly.
We hope that by reading this article, you have mastered the basic knowledge of how to search relevant materials and compose reference lists. The main thing is not to succumb to fears and doubts while building a research career. Instead, remember to believe in yourself. This recommendation will be your first step towards conducting the greatest student scientific research!