
Funny Presentation Speech Topics: Everyday Observations, Pop Culture & More

Prof. Wesley Spencer
Min Read
Last updated:
Sep 1, 2024
Funny Presentation Speech Topics: Everyday Observations, Pop Culture & More
Funny Presentation Speech Topics

What Makes a Presentation Speech Topic Funny?

Tips for Choosing a Funny Presentation Speech Topic

List of Funny Presentation Speech Topics


In the world of public speaking, it can be easy to get caught up in the importance of delivering a serious and informative speech. However, there's another powerful tool that can help you connect with your audience and make your presentation memorable: humor. Funny presentation topics can be a great way to break the ice, keep your audience engaged, and make your speech more enjoyable for everyone involved.

This article is a collection of funny presentation speech topics that you can use for your next presentation. We've included topics on a variety of subjects, so you're sure to find something that interests you. If you're looking for a way to make your next presentation more memorable, our writing paper service PaperWriter can help you come up with a great topic, write an engaging speech, and even proofread your work.

What Makes a Presentation Speech Topic Funny?

A funny presentation speech topic should be:

  • Relatable: It should be something that your audience can relate to on a personal level. This will help them to connect with your topic and find it more interesting.
  • Unexpected: A funny topic should be something that is unexpected or surprising. This will help to grab your audience's attention and keep them engaged.
  • Clever: A funny topic should be clever and witty. This will help to make your speech more enjoyable to listen to.
  • Appropriate: It's important to make sure that your topic is appropriate for your audience and the occasion. You don't want to offend anyone or make them feel uncomfortable.

Here are a few additional tips for choosing a funny presentation speech topic:

  • Think about your audience's interests. What kind of things do they enjoy talking about?
  • Consider the occasion. What is the purpose of your speech?
  • Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. The best humor comes from being authentic.

Tips for Choosing a Funny Presentation Speech Topic

Once you've decided that you want to use a funny topic for your presentation, it's time to start brainstorming some ideas. Here are a few tips to help you choose the perfect topic:

Choosing a Funny Presentation Speech Topic
  • Think about your own experiences. What are some funny things that have happened to you?
  • Observe the world around you. What are some funny things that you've noticed?
  • Do some research. Look for funny articles, jokes, or memes online.
  • Ask your friends and family for ideas. They may have some funny stories or observations to share.

Once you have a few ideas, it's important to choose a topic that is appropriate for your audience and the occasion. You don't want to offend anyone or make them feel uncomfortable. It's also important to choose a topic that you're passionate about. If you're not excited about your topic, it will show in your presentation.

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment. Try out a few different persuasive speech topics and see what works best for you. The most important thing is to choose a topic that you think will be funny and engaging for your audience. Also remember that you can buy presentation online and forget about all the academic troubles.

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List of Funny Presentation Speech Topics

Personal Experiences

  1. "My Most Embarrassing 'Oops' Moment: When Things Went South Spectacularly"
  2. "The Time I Tried to Adult... and Failed Miserably"
  3. "My Worst Vacation Ever: How a Dream Trip Turned into a Nightmare"
  4. "The Craziest Thing I've Ever Eaten (and Lived to Tell About It)"
  5. "When I Accidentally Became a 'Know-It-All' (and Got Proven Wrong)"
  6. "The Day I Realized I Was Way Out of My Depth"
  7. "My Epic Fail at Trying to Be 'Cool'"
  8. "The Time I Tried to Impress Someone... and Failed Spectacularly"
  9. "My Most Memorable 'First Time' (That Wasn't a Date)"
  10. "The Day I Learned That 'Fake It 'Til You Make It' Doesn't Always Work"
  11. "My Unintended Career Path: How I Ended Up Here"
  12. "The Time I Accidentally Became a 'Local Celebrity' (for All the Wrong Reasons)"
  13. "My Most Embarrassing 'Parent Moment' (That My Kids Will Never Forget)"
  14. "The Day I Realized I Was Way Too Old for This"
  15. "My Most Memorable 'Life Lesson' (That I'll Never Forget)"

Pop Culture and Trends

  1. Is "influencer" a job title or a personality trait?
  2. Can memes actually be considered art?
  3. How many times can a celebrity change their hair color before it becomes a trend?
  4. Are reality TV shows a reflection of society or a distortion of it?
  5. Is binge-watching a new form of procrastination or a modern-day hobby?
  6. Why do we keep rewatching the same TV shows?
  7. What would happen if all social media platforms disappeared tomorrow?
  8. Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with technology?
  9. Can a cat really be a "meme lord"?
  10. Why do we love to hate reality TV stars?
  11. Is it okay to be a "couch potato" in the digital age?
  12. Are video games a form of escapism or a way to connect with others?
  13. Can fashion trends actually predict the future?
  14. Is it possible to be too obsessed with your favorite celebrity?
  15. Why do we love to follow celebrity drama?

Work and Office Humor

  1. Is the office break room really a "break" room?
  2. Why do meetings always seem to last longer than they should?
  3. How many times can you say "I'm busy" before it becomes a lie?
  4. Are office plants just there for decoration, or do they actually improve productivity?
  5. Is it possible to have a "healthy" office snack?
  6. Why do we still use paper when we have computers?
  7. What is the secret to surviving open-plan offices?
  8. Is it okay to have a pet at work?
  9. Why do we love to complain about our jobs?
  10. Can you really be friends with your coworkers?
  11. Is it possible to be "too" organized?
  12. Why do we always seem to be out of coffee?
  13. Are office pranks harmless fun or workplace harassment?
  14. Is it okay to nap at your desk?
  15. Why do we still use email when instant messaging exists?

Education and Learning

  1. Why do teachers look like they've aged 10 years in a month?
  2. The mystery of missing homework: Where does it actually go?
  3. The standardized test conspiracy: Are we being brainwashed by standardized tests?
  4. The group project survival guide: How to avoid disaster (and still get an a) without losing your mind.
  5. A masterclass in delaying the inevitable (and still getting things done).
  6. The psychology of note-taking: Why do we write more than we learn?
  7. The history of cheating: A timeline of human ingenuity and failure (with a few success stories)
  8. The science of cramming: is it actually effective, or just a myth?
  9. The most bizarre educational fads of all time: From phrenology to brain gym (and everything in between).
  10. The weirdest things students have actually learned in class, from alien abductions to quantum physics (and everything in between).
  11. The philosophy of school uniforms: Are they actually useful, or just a fashion statement?
  12. The debate over homework: Is it worth the stress, or just a waste of time?
  13. The Simpsons Guide to Education: Life Lessons from Springfield Elementary (that you can actually use).
  14. The Game of Thrones theory of learning: Power, politics, and dragons in the classroom.
  15. The Harry Potter School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: A real-world comparison (with a twist) and a few lessons we can learn.

Technology and Social Media

  1. Is it possible to have a "normal" relationship with technology? (Think about the person who sleeps with their phone under their pillow.)
  2. Can social media actually make us less social? (Remember the time you spent a whole day scrolling through Instagram and forgot to eat.)
  3. Why do we love to doomscroll for hours on end? (Is it a masochistic pleasure or just a lack of self-control?)
  4. Are emojis a form of advanced communication or just a way to avoid real conversations? (Think about the time you used an emoji to break up with someone.)
  5. Is it possible to be too addicted to your phone? (Remember the person who tried to take a selfie while driving and ended up in a ditch.)
  6. Why do we love to over-share our lives on social media? (Is it a cry for attention or just a lack of boundaries?)
  7. Can technology actually ruin our relationships? (Think about the couple who broke up because one of them was always glued to their phone.)
  8. Are self-driving cars the future of transportation or a disaster waiting to happen? (Remember the time a self-driving car got stuck in a mud puddle.)
  9. Is it possible to be too online? (Think about the person who tried to order a pizza online but ended up ordering a pet rock.)
  10. Why do we love to follow celebrities on social media? (Is it because we think we'll become famous too, or just because we're nosy?)
  11. Can technology actually make us dumber? (Think about the time you tried to use a calculator to add 2 and 2.)
  12. Are virtual reality experiences the future of isolation? (Think about the person who spent a whole day playing VR and forgot to eat or drink.)
  13. Is it possible to have a real digital detox? (Or are we just doomed to be forever connected?)
  14. Why do we love to share our opinions on social media? (Is it because we think we're experts on everything, or just because we're bored?)
  15. Are robots going to take over the world... and our jobs? (Or are we just being overly dramatic?)

Family and Relationships

  1. Why do siblings always seem to know your worst secrets?
  2. Is it possible to have a perfect family? (Spoiler alert: probably not)
  3. How do parents manage to remember everything you did wrong but forget where your keys are?
  4. Why is it so hard to talk to your parents about important stuff?
  5. What is the secret to a long and happy marriage (besides a lot of patience)?
  6. Why do in-laws always seem to think they know better?
  7. How do you survive family gatherings without losing your mind?
  8. Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with your ex?
  9. Why do kids think they know everything, even when they clearly don't?
  10. Why do parents always say, "I know what you're going through," even when they clearly don't?
  11. How do you deal with family drama without getting sucked into it?
  12. Is it possible to be friends with your parents?
  13. Why do grandparents always have the best stories?
  14. How do you keep a long-distance relationship strong?
  15. Why do families always seem to have that one weird uncle?

Everyday Observations

  1. Why do we always seem to lose our keys when we need them most?
  2. Is it possible to have a "perfect" day?
  3. Why do we love to complain about the weather?
  4. Are cats really plotting to take over the world?
  5. Why do we always seem to spill our drinks?
  6. Is it possible to be "too" organized?
  7. Why do we love to watch people fail?
  8. Can you really be "too" old for a toy?
  9. Why do we always seem to be running out of time?
  10. Is it possible to have a "normal" day?
  11. Why do we love to procrastinate?
  12. Are there really such things as "lucky" numbers?
  13. Why do we love to watch reality TV shows?
  14. Is it possible to be "too" polite?
  15. Why do we love to tell jokes?


So there you have it, a collection of funny presentation speech topics to tickle your audience's fancy. Remember, humor is a powerful tool that can make your speech more engaging, memorable, and downright enjoyable.

Dare to be different. Step outside your comfort zone and experiment with humor; a little laughter can go a long way. And if you ever feel stuck, our presentation writing services can provide you with top-notch guidance and support, from brainstorming funny topics to crafting a hilarious speech. Just send us 'write me a speech' or any other request, and we will fulfill it immediately.

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