Psychology is a wide-ranging field rooted in science with countless practical applications in everyday life. Psychologists' research can help people improve their work lives, family relationships, and emotional well-being. Choosing a topic for your psychology paper can sometimes feel more difficult than the actual research and writing. Given the field's broad scope, it's important to pick a topic that allows you to:
- Demonstrate your knowledge
- Highlight recent research
- Support or challenge an existing thesis
- Contribute to the existing body of knowledge
Luckily, there are many sources of inspiration, and our list of psychology paper topics offers some great ideas to get you started. Once you choose your perfect match, don't shy away from asking us - do my paper for me. Meanwhile, let's browse through the options!

10 General Psychology Paper Topics
The key to choosing a strong topic for your psychology paper is to find a balance: it should be specific enough to allow in-depth exploration but broad enough to have ample sources and information.
One effective approach is to narrow your focus within a particular branch of psychology. For instance, if you're interested in developmental psychology, you could start by selecting a topic in this area. From there, you could narrow it down further to something like the impact of parenting styles on children's social development. This way, you can focus your research on how different parenting approaches influence children's ability to interact with peers, providing a clear, manageable scope for your paper.
Before we move on to specific fields, here are some great topic ideas prepared by our psychology essay writing service from various branches:
- How do children form friendships with imaginary figures, and what does this say about their cognitive and social development?
- What factors contribute to a child's emotional health? Consider aspects such as family environment, education, and peer interactions.
- How do individuals develop moral and reflective judgment?
- What strategies can be implemented to tackle the increasing rates of teenage suicide?
- Narcissism and body image issues in individuals with eating disorders and obesity
- What methods are effective in understanding and treating variations in emotional responsiveness among individuals?
- How do differences in brain structure affect problem-solving skills in men versus women and adults versus children?
- Reasons behind the suppression of unpleasant memories and psychological mechanisms involved in this process.
- The psychology of decision-making: Investigate the cognitive processes and influences behind decision-making.
- What effects does compulsive buying disorder have on individuals? Explore the psychological, social, and economic impacts.
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Psychology Paper Topics About Mental Disorders
Mental disorders affect millions of people worldwide, impacting their daily lives and overall well-being. An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older, about 1 in 4 adults, suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. This makes mental disorders a crucial area of study in psychology. You can explore topics such as:
- The overlap between anxiety disorders and depression, including shared risk factors, neurobiological mechanisms, and integrated treatment approaches.
- Neurodevelopmental factors and psychosocial interventions of schizophrenia.
- Discuss the core features of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and evaluate the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in treatment.
- Analyze the neurobiological underpinnings of PTSD and review evidence-based therapies such as CPT and EMDR.
- An integrated approach to eating disorder treatment.
- Discuss the etiology of substance use disorders (e.g., alcoholism, opioid addiction), including genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors.
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Neurocognitive Impairments and Multimodal Treatment
- Analyze the neural circuitry involved in OCD symptoms and discuss emerging therapeutic approaches.
- Early intervention and social skills training for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD):
- Discuss the spectrum of mood disorders (e.g., major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder), including diagnostic challenges, biological markers, and personalized treatment strategies.
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Psychology Paper Topics About Human Cognition
Human cognition involves processes like thinking, memory, and decision-making. It's a field that delves into how we perceive, learn, and remember information. Research shows that cognitive abilities can vary widely among individuals and can be influenced by numerous factors, including age and environment. When searching for some psychology paper topics in this field, consider these ones:
- How attentional processes influence learning and memory retention, and discuss strategies to enhance attentional focus.
- Compare and contrast rational decision-making processes with heuristic-based decision strategies.
- Analyze common cognitive biases (e.g., confirmation bias, anchoring bias) and their impact on reasoning and problem-solving.
- Discuss the cognitive processes involved in language comprehension, production, and acquisition across different stages of development.
- Working memory capacity: Its limitations, and the effects of cognitive load on decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
- Metacognition: Monitoring and control of cognitive processes
- Compare analytical problem-solving strategies with creative problem-solving techniques.
- Neuroplasticity and its implications for cognitive rehabilitation following brain injury or neurodegenerative disorders.
- Expertise and expert performance: Cognitive processes in skill acquisition
- Analyze how emotions influence cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and decision-making.
Psychology Paper Topics About Human Development
Human development studies everything from childhood development to aging. According to Harvard research, early childhood experiences can significantly shape one's future mental health and behavior. For more interesting psychology paper topics, consider the below ideas:
- How different parenting styles influence the development of adolescent identity and self-concept.
- Cognitive development in early childhood: Piaget's theory revisited.
- Adolescent brain development: Risk-taking behavior and decision-making.
- Analyze the role of peer relationships and social interactions in shaping adolescent identity, self-esteem, and behavior.
- How early attachment experiences influence adult romantic relationships, including attachment styles.
- Discuss career development, identity consolidation, and midlife transitions (e.g., empty nest syndrome, career changes) in middle adulthood.
- Aging and Cognition: Cognitive decline vs. wisdom in older adults
- The effects of digital technology and screen time on cognitive development, social skills, and emotional regulation in children.
- Analyze how environmental factors influence language acquisition and development in infants and young children.
- Discuss Erik Erikson's psychosocial stage of integrity vs. despair and its implications for psychological well-being and life satisfaction in late adulthood.
Psychology Paper Topics About Famous Experiments
Famous experiments in psychology have significantly shaped our understanding of human behavior and mental processes. These studies often reveal fundamental aspects of how we think, feel, and act. Famous experiments that you might explore in your psychology paper include:
- Stanford Prison Experiment: Ethical Implications and Psychological Effects
- Milgram Experiment: Obedience to Authority
- Asch Conformity Experiment: Group Influence on Individual Behavior
- Little Albert Experiment: Classical Conditioning and Fear
- Bobo Doll Experiment: Modeling Aggression
- Harlow's Studies on Attachment in Monkeys
- Robbers Cave Experiment: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation
- Rorschach Inkblot Test: Psychometric Assessment of Personality
- Strange Situation Experiment: Attachment Patterns in Infants
- Harvard Grant Study: Longitudinal Study on Adult Development
Psychology Paper Topics About Historical Figures
Historical figures in psychology have laid the groundwork for modern theories and practices. From Sigmund Freud's pioneering work in psychoanalysis to B.F. Skinner's contributions to behaviorism, these individuals have left a lasting legacy. Analyze their work and its influence through these psychology paper topics:
- The development of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, including its impact on understanding human behavior and therapeutic practices.
- Jung's concepts of the collective unconscious, archetypes, and individuation process and their relevance in contemporary psychology.
- Discuss Skinner's principles of behaviorism, operant conditioning experiments, and their application in behavior modification and learning theories.
- Examine Piaget's stages of cognitive development.
- Ainsworth's research on attachment theory.
- Look into Bandura's social learning theory, including observational learning, modeling, and self-efficacy.
- Review Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, including identity vs. role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, and generativity vs. stagnation.
- Discuss Horney's theories on neurosis, coping mechanisms, and her contributions to feminist psychology and gender studies.
- Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning and the process of learning associations between stimuli.
- Eysenck's theory of personality dimensions and their influence on psychometric assessment and personality research.
Psychology Research Topics About a Specific Career
Different careers within psychology offer unique insights and opportunities to help others. Whether you're interested in clinical psychology, forensic psychology, or educational psychology, there are numerous areas to explore. These careers require specialized knowledge and skills, making them fascinating subjects for research. Consider these career-focused psychology paper topics:
- Investigate how school psychologists contribute to promoting mental health, academic success, and overall well-being among students.
- What are some of the challenges and rewards of being a clinical psychologist?
- Forensic Psychologists: Assessing mental competency in legal contexts
- Analyze how industrial-organizational psychologists contribute to improving workplace environments, employee satisfaction, and organizational productivity.
- Educational Psychologists: Strategies for improving learning outcomes
- What techniques do counseling psychologists use for managing psychological distress?
- How do sports psychologists optimize athletes' performance and manage performance-related stress?
- Strategies and interventions employed by health psychologists to promote healthy behaviors and prevent illness.
- How do developmental psychologists study and understand lifespan changes?
- Analyze the contributions of community psychologists in addressing social issues and promoting social justice.
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Psychology Paper Topics Related to Case Studies
Case studies in psychology allow researchers to explore rare phenomena and generate hypotheses for further study. Famous case studies like Phineas Gage's brain injury have significantly advanced our understanding of the brain's role in personality and behavior. You can also consider the following psychology paper topics:
- Analyze the case of Genie, the feral child, and its implications for language development.
- The impact of traumatic brain injuries: A case study of Phineas Gage.
- Explain dissociative identity disorder through the case study of Sybil.
- The Case of H.M.: Implications for understanding memory formation and function.
- Discuss how the Rosenhan Experiment influenced how mental illness is diagnosed and treated.
- Examine the case of Little Albert: The ethical implications of conducting and reporting psychological research involving human subjects.
- The Case of Anna O.: Contributions to the development of psychoanalysis.
- Review how the Clive Wearing case contributes to our understanding of memory and consciousness.
- Revisit the case of Phineas Gage and discuss new insights gained in neuropsychology regarding brain injury, personality changes, and cognitive functions.
- Examine the Kitty Genovese Case: Bystander Effect and Social Psychology
Check out our guide on the case study definition psychology and discover how to successfully write one on your chosen topic.
Psychology Paper Topics Related to Literature Reviews
Literature reviews synthesize existing research on a particular topic, highlighting key findings, gaps, and future directions. They are essential for providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge. Conducting a literature review allows you to critically evaluate various studies and identify trends in the field. You can choose among these psychology paper topics:
- Review studies on the effectiveness of CBT in reducing symptoms of various anxiety disorders.
- Conduct a comprehensive review of the literature examining parenting styles on child development.
- Explore how early attachment experiences shape adult relationships.
- Review recent research on the psychological impact of social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Facebook) on adolescents' self-esteem, social interactions, and mental health.
- Neurobiological basis of addiction: A review of current understanding
- Compare and contrast prevalence rates, symptom manifestation, and treatment approaches of psychological disorders (e.g., depression, schizophrenia) across different cultures and societies.
- Conduct a systematic review of the literature exploring early childhood trauma on adult mental health.
- Review studies investigating the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive processes such as attention, memory, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
- Analyze psychological factors (e.g., motivation, self-efficacy, learning styles) that predict academic achievement across different educational levels.
- Discuss gender differences in psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders.
Psychology Paper Topics Based on Your Own Study or Experiment
If you're required to design and conduct your own psychological study or experiment, our nursing essay writing suggests these steps to help you get started.
- Identify Your Interests: Think about which areas of psychology fascinate you the most. Are you interested in cognitive processes, social behaviors, or developmental stages?
- Review Existing Literature: Look for gaps or unresolved questions in recent studies. This can help you pinpoint a specific aspect that needs further exploration.
- Consult Resources: Use books, scholarly articles, and credible online sources to deepen your understanding of potential topics.
- Develop a Hypothesis: Based on your research, formulate a clear and testable hypothesis.
- Plan Your Study: Design an experiment or observational study to test your hypothesis. Ensure it follows ethical guidelines and is feasible within your resources and timeframe.
By carefully selecting research topics for psychology that interest you and thoroughly researching them, you can create a compelling and insightful paper based on your own study or experiment.
- Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2023). Mental Health Disorder Statistics. Johns Hopkins Medicine.
- Health, M. potential mental health problems will not become mental health problems if we respond to them early ” I. E. C. M. (2023). Early Childhood Mental Health. Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.